Steffi Nicole presents a new endeavor:

Uplifting the people and places who honor and protect our Life Force Energy and Reproductive Agency.

Reproductive clinics are sites of both resistance and violence.

With the continued threats on reproductive agency across the U.S., individuals seeking and providing reproductive care face significant emotional and energetic harm. This harm comes in many forms—oppressive policies, shame, demonization, harassment, and the undermining of their legitimacy.

Persistent energetic and emotional violence jeopardizes the well-being of the individuals who seek and give reproductive care and threatens the sustainability of reproductive resilience and resistance.

Spaces that honor reproductive agency are doing sacred, vital work.

Spaces that honor reproductive agency, like abortion clinics, are on the front lines of this struggle and are taking the brunt of this violent energy. These spaces perform sacred, vital work amidst an environment fraught with hostility.

Mother’s Tongue seeks to serve these sacred spaces and help transmute this violent energy into Love and Hope.

A vision of serving and uplifting reproductive clinics.

Mother’s Tongue seeks to anchor Love, Strength and Reverence in people and places that honor Reproductive Agency by providing:

  • Murals: Energy Healing for Enviornments

  • Events: Community Healing Circles and Activations

  • Tools: Self-Love Planners and Journals

In Reverance to the Life Force Energy

Energy Healing for Environments

We uplift spaces through vibrant mural installations that are infused with Love, Protection, and Nourishing energy. These installations can incorporate written affirmations and be installed interactively with patients and providers.

Community Healing Circles and Activations

As a community we transform complex energies that surround reproductive agency and activate the installation through healing circles and community events.

Self Love Planners and Journals

Self-love tools like the Mother’s Tongue Planner will be gifted to patients to support them in their after-care needs. These tools are designed to nourish their mind, body, and spirit, be a source of comfort, support, and guidance.

Join the magic.

Are you a place that provides Reproductive Agency care or are a Reproductive and Life Force Energy advocate wanting to be involved?


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